We offer remote weight loss services for those who would like to lose weight in the comfort of their home, without having to keep appointments at the clinic. This program is becoming more popular every single year. We learned from Covid-19 that a lot of things can be done remotely from home, and this is one of the best examples. Our remote dieters are doing extremely well, and are losing weight just as fast and consistently as our dieters who come to the clinic. Our remote weight loss services are straightforward, easy, and effective. We have perfected the virtual dieting experience, and the dieters constantly comment how convenient and successful it has been for them. As a matter of fact, our dieter of 2020-2021 who has lost the most weight so far (42 kilos!) is a remote weight loss patient. We are well-equipped to deliver the same level of service to you via our telehealth virtual weight loss service. If you have friends or family who live in different cities and states, please let us know if you would like us to help them. We can arrange a free initial consultation. Just let us know on the contact page or by calling 0448 898 708. Our services are expanding to more areas of Victoria and Australia, and we are excited to be able to help people from so many different areas. We are getting more and more reports back from the GP's about how happy they are about our dieters' weight loss! The GP's are starting to see the incredible effects of our weight loss on the dieters' overall health. Things like blood sugars, diabetes, and "pre-diabetes" are extremely important to keep an eye on because they can have devastating effects on health if they are out of control. Our weight loss method keeps blood sugars at healthy levels, and can improve a dieter's reaction to rising sugar levels. Liver and Kidney function are also severely affected by obesity and our dieters are getting amazing results in liver and kidney function tests that their GP's are ordering for them. It is possible to greatly affect these problem areas in certain circumstances. Obesity (and being "overweight") has severe health consequences. Unfortunately, society is getting used to seeing so many obese people every single day. It is becoming something that people accept as normal, yet it is a time bomb of health consequences. There is a saying which states, "you see a lot of elderly, and a lot of obese, but never elderly and obese, because they don't live that long". If you or a family member is struggling to lose weight year after year, call us for a free consultation to see how our weight loss is helping dieters lose 20, 30 and 40 kilos of body fat. Geelong Weight Loss (03) 5229 9888 Month after month after month our dieters are losing more and more body fat! Our dieters come in for their weekly weigh-in with so much excitement and relief that, yet again, they have lost even more body fat. The system we use is very effective, and the results are predictable time after time. There is an old saying that goes, "The time will pass anyway, so why don't you acheive what you want by simply starting?" Maybe now is the time for you to take control of your health and control of your weight problem. Maybe now is the time to book in to our Free Workshop to see how this all works. We have already lost the weight and are keeping it off. Is it your time now? Call us at (03)5229 9888 today! You are supposed to love food. Your body is designed to love and enjoy food. It is what nourishes your body, restores it, and keeps you healthy and happy. We will teach you how to love food the way it is meant to be. We have patients who come into Geelong Weight Loss Centre who have a bad relationship with food. Love/Hate. Obsession. Guilt. Binge. Guilt. It can be very cyclical, very emotional, and very draining. All of this is very unhealthy. Having an unhealthy mindset about food just adds to the problem. Some patients, before coming into see us, report doing very well on their "diet" for a while, and then having a bad day or a cheat meal, which then spirals them out of control due to the guilt they feel for "failing". They then abandon all progress by throwing in the towel and quitting altogether. Or even worse, they gain even more weight back. You are designed to love food. It is a healthy thing to love food. We will show you exactly how to embrace your love for food, and give you such effective weight loss tools that your guilt can finally disappear over time. Once you learn the right way of eating, and the right food combinations and all the other tools that we give each patient, you will be eating properly, losing and maintaining your weight loss, and loving food the entire time. Our diet is tailored to each patient. If a patient's medical needs are specific, we have ways to tailor the diet to meet their needs. If a patient is an athlete, busy mum, or even a workaholic, we have ways to tailor their diet to that patient for maximum effect. We even have patients who have had failed gastric bypass surgery who are doing well on their diet and achieving amazing weight loss results! If you want to be able to love food again, lose the body fat you want, and keep it off, give us a call on 5229 9888 to schedule an appointment. We would love to help you lose weight, be happy, and to embrace your love of food again! This is the essential blog post where we explain MANY health benefits of weight loss. Many of these benefits are on the evening news, but it is important to realise how detrimental being fat is to your overall health and well being. It is also important to know that you have a lot of control over how healthy or how unhealthy you are in relation to these conditions. The choice is yours: unhealthy body fat levels, or healthy body fat levels. Heart disease is the number one killer in Australia, and is greatly increased with obesity and being overweight. Excess body fat puts strain on the heart and blood vessels. Also, the bad foods that most overweight people eat daily damages the arteries and veins causing even more problems. Losing excess body fat greatly improves your heart health, which has been known for years. Diabetes is also a risk factor if you are overweight or obese. A high percentage of type 2 diabetes can be prevented and controlled by losing weight. Studies have shown that even 5 - 10% weight loss can dramatically reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. Stroke is also a leading cause of death in Australia which can be affected by maintaining a healthy weight. (link) Being overweight increases the risk of stroke, even in younger people. Cancer risk increases as people become more overweight or obese. These risk factors decrease if a patient is able to lose the excess body fat and become more healthy. Almost every type of cancer risk increases as patients become overweight, obese, and sedentary. Sleep Apnea is a condition where a patient is not breathing properly whilst sleeping. This interrupts the proper cycles of sleep, including deep sleep that is supposed to be restorative and restful. Excess body fat, especially body fat around the neck and face increases the chances of sleep apnea and also worsens existing sleep apnea, even in children. Arthritis: Obesity and being overweight also puts tremendous strain on the joints of the knees, hips, ankles, and spine. This increased weight strains the joints and cartilage of these areas and increases the risk of certain types of arthritis. For example, if a patient is 25 kilos overweight, the amount of strain on the knees is equivalent to 100 kilos of weight (4 times as much!). So imagine how many steps you take in a day, and it is easy to see the wear and tear the knee joints would take. Losing just 5 - 10% of your body weight improves cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels. We can help you achieve this weight loss quickly, safely, and in a healthy way. We will also show you exactly how to keep the weight off. There are many other conditions which are worsened by excess weight and excess body fat such as lupus, gout, and even fibromyalgia. If you are suffering from any of these conditions, losing that excess weight can certainly help your condition. Please call Geelong Weight Loss Centre at 0448 898 708 for a consultation. Every patient has a few reasons why they need to lose "that" weight. For some of the "lucky" ones, it is because they want to look good on the beach whilst going for a surf. But for some of us, our reasons are not as lucky if we are 40 years or older. If you are in this age category, you need to look at your excess body fat very differently. Research has shown that excess body fat increases the chance of stroke, heart attack, cancer and diabetes. And these risks increase the older you get, and the longer you have excess body fat. There is a saying, "You see a lot of elderly, and you see a lot of obese...but you never see elderly obese, because they don't live that long." For those of us who are 40+, it might be time to examine what our risk factors are for heart attack, diabetes, stroke, and cancer, and realise it is time to lose all that excess body fat which we pretend is "OK". Geelong Weight Loss Centre has a free body fat analysis service, using our Body Composition Analyser program. We offer this service free of charge as a community service in Geelong so that patients can see what their body fat percentage actually is. If you are interested in having your body fat measured, call us at 5229 9888. There are so many health benefits to losing weight. Research shows that simply losing 3 kilos can result in dramatic effects. Some of our patients have lost 3 kilos in a single week! But it would be boring to simply list all the benefits of weight loss that we all have heard for years. Instead, I will share a few things that I have noticed now that I have lost 15 kilos (in 11 weeks!) and have kept it off. Firstly, EVERYTHING is easier. I literally mean that. Walking up stairs, tying my shoes, putting my seatbelt on, lifting the kids, carrying groceries, running to get out of the rain, etc. All of these things are so much easier now that I am at a healthy weight. I also don't overheat all the time. And it is just as easy to say it the opposite way. EVERYTHING is difficult when you are fat. All of our dieters agree. Everything is hard. One patient of ours, who has a great sense of humour said, "If I realised how much I was continually sweating, I would have done this 20 years ago". But it is essential to also list those health problems that arise from being overweight. Stroke, heart attack, cancer, diabetes, and even sleep apnea are all brought on by being overweight, and increases your chance of death prematurely. We can help you lose the weight and keep it off, just like I did. I have kept my weight off 100% since Phase 1 at Geelong Weight Loss Centre, and I have never been happier. Call us if you are finally tired of being overweight and would like to change it forever. Our dieters have been well-trained on how to escape the pitfalls of Christmas Calories and how to continue losing weight during the holidays. For those of you who have not signed up for our One-on-One Coaching, we have some tips to help you in the next few weeks. Here we will show you a few dieting tips that could be the difference between success and failure during the holidays. "Surviving the Holidays" Cheat Sheet 1) Stay well hydrated. Drinking enough water throughout the day will help you to eat less at each meal and at each party you attend. As a matter of fact, many people think they feel "hungry" when they are actually thirsty. Simply drink 200 ml of water with lemon, or carbonated water for a calorie-free, filling drink. 2) Eat before you go. Being trapped in the shopping mall and becoming very hungry is a recipe for disaster! It is hard to pass by the fish and chips shop if you become ravenous whilst looking for that Frozen doll in aisle 8. Eat sensibly before you go with high protein, low carb foods right before you go, and keep some low carb snacks in your car or purse to snack on throughout the shopping day. Make sure you also eat before you attend that work break up party. If you arrive full from nutritious food, you will eat far less junk while you are there. It is also much, much more easy to say "no" to all the decadent foods if you are not hungry. 3) Drink "Lightly". If you drink alcohol, choose drinks that are lighter in calories and carbs. A vodka & soda water with a twist of lime has about 80 calories and no carbs. Avoid heavy beers, sweet blended drinks and keep the drinking to a sensible amount. Slowly sip your drinks and alternate alcoholic beverages with a tall glass of water. 4) Break out the chewy. Although chewy isn't the healthiest of choices, chewing mint-flavoured, sugar-free chewy instead of diving into that second chocolate mousse will help you stave off extra calories. It gives you the sensation of eating without consuming calories. Repeat if necessary. 5) Have a friend to rely on. Assign one of your closest friends to keep you in check during the holidays. Think of them as your teammate and have a plan such as "Help me to not overeat at this party. It is really important to me." There is power in numbers. Once you have survived the Holidays, call us for help! We will show you exactly how to lose all that fat that you are tired of carrying around. Our weight loss is very effective, supervised, and very easy to follow. We have One-on-One coaching and personalised programs for each dieter. There is no counting calories, points, carbs or anything with our program. It is very simple and effective. Check the Home Page for our Summer Deals and Discounts! Happy Holidays from Geelong Weight Loss Centre! Now is the time to come into Geelong Weight Loss Centre for our free weight loss evaluation!
Our current dieters are losing kilos each and every week. This week's average weight loss for our dieters is 2.2 kilos! We have 2 dieters who have lost 15 kilos each in 12 weeks! Summer is almost here and it is time to get healthy and fit! We have One-on-One Coaching with daily motivational help and close monitoring of your personal weight loss. Call us on 5229 9888 to start losing weight now! |